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Uploading documents and photos

You can upload documents and photos into your Energy Manager account.

How to upload documents and photos

  1. Click on Resources from the navigation menu, then select Documents & Photos.
  2. Click Add File in the top left corner of your screen.
  3. Enter a File title. This will display as the name of the file in the list.
  4. Enter a File description. This should provide more information about what is contained in the document or photo.
  5. Select a Facility to associate to this document or photo from the drop-down menu, if necessary.
  6. Select an Account to associate to this document or photo from the drop-down menu, if necessary. *Note: Only Accounts that are associated to the selected Facility will display for selection.
  7. Select a Meter to associate to this document or photo from the drop-down menu, if necessary. *Note: Only Meters that are associated to the selected Account will display for selection.
  8. Click Choose File and select the document you would like to upload from your computer's hard drive. The File name, File size, and Date Uploaded fields will populate automatically.
  9. Click Save. The uploaded file will be added to the list of Documents & Photos.